The European Institute welcomed representatives of cities and municipalities of Ukraine to the Communal Fair 2023

Ve spolupráci s Velvyslanectvím Ukrajiny V ČR byly pozvání zástupci měst a obcí z Ukrajiny na Komunální veletrh do Olomouce. Zde bylo zprostředkováno jednání se zástupci vedení Olomouckého kraje a také Města Olomouce. Zástupci samospráv z Ukrajiny také vedla B2B setkání s českými firmami, které mají zájem o spolupráci v dodavatelském řetězci pro obnovu Ukrajiny.

*"The Ministry of Industry and Trade is also in contact directly with cities and regions on the Ukrainian side. We would like to cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic on these joint projects as part of the examination and recommendation of qualified suppliers from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It is important for us to establish cooperation in the field of science and research in the field of safety and the environment, where ecological load and energy safety play a very important role, said chairman Jan Procházka. We are working with representatives of Ukrainian municipalities to identify what they need most in the reconstruction of civilian facilities destroyed by Russia. At the same time, we are working on finding suitable suppliers of the necessary equipment on our side, which is also the purpose of the seminar that we will hold at the PS CR. We would also like to co-organize a business mission in cooperation with representatives of the regional HK of the Czech Republic and government and professional institutions to Ukraine and within the SECURE CITY project. *